Tuesday, December 29, 2009

small harvest

Small Harvest, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

I'm quite chuffed with this little harvest of tomatoes. This is by no means the whole of it - just a small bunch I was able to pick and carry up to the house in my hands. There are many more to come, just waiting on the vines.

The tomato plants came up in the garden all by themselves; I didn't plant a single one. A couple of weeks ago I found the packet of tomato seeds I'd bought at the end of winter, lying unused and completely forgotten on the floor of the big shed. The plants which produced the tomatoes above were all self-seeded, most probably from the compost I lovingly mixed and hoed into the garden beds. I did a top job spreading that compost out. The plants are everywhere.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Visiting Voyager Estate

Voyager Estate, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

Just thinking about different sizes and shapes for photos. I think this nearly square shape works well ... but I wonder how many photos will I want to take in this shape? And what about the constant cropping? I don't know how likely it is that I'll keep that up for long ...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Estuary

The Estuary, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

A beautiful spot for an evening walk.

The Beach

Beach flowers 4, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

So different to the beach in Townsville.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fairy garden

Lavender garden, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

I wish I could make a fairy garden like this one outside Balingup. We had lovely day there - delicious lunch, a beautiful clear day with a crisp cool breeze, a stroll around the garden, then home for afternoon tea. Wonderful.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Olive Tree

Olive Tree, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

My small olive tree has started to flower. I'm really loving the green of those olive leaves ... and I hope that fruit will follow the flowers.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ah Spring!

The grass is growing nuts and I'm hanging washing out to dry in the sun. It's getting better every day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I keep harvesting this stuff from the garden. I have no idea what to do with it.

Any suggestions?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Walk along the estuary

Last night I walked along the Leschenault Inlet, commonly known around here as 'the estuary'. It's a great place for a long evening stroll - waterbirds, pelicans coming in to land, a big bunch of kangaroos lazing around on the grass. The evenings are getting longer and warmer ... many more strolls to come.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Warm Spring Weekend

Digging in my veggie garden
Riding our tandem bike along the other side of the river
A walk along the beach, hand in hand
Afternoon tennis with Marny
Weekend papers spread out in the sun

It was so good to feel warm this weekend. To be working hard in the garden, and need to strip down to a t-shirt.

I wish I had more photos, but we were too busy doing it all.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Looking out to trees and hills

I really like this outlook from our dining room, out to the northern trees and sky. It is a beautiful illusion of trees and bush (really, suburbia is tucked just out of sight). The thin frame of trees curves around with the river, and as we are up nice and high we get to see all the way out to the blue hills. I feel lucky when I glance up from breakfast and I get to see that far.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It's definitely here. The flowers have gone mad. The best examples you see in the gardens of bogans - flowers run complete riot; masses of daisies unchecked.

Living Room

Tea time