Monday, November 29, 2010

keeping cool inside

keeping cool inside, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

Unravelling course has finished, so unfortunately we're back to photos of the cat.

Here she is, helping me keep cool inside while outside the sun beats down on the dry and dying grass.

This is the spot from which I hope to do all my Christmas shopping this year.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Peace at Christmas

Peace at Christmas, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

It was our first hot weekend of the summer, and it put me in the mind and mood for Christmas.

Each year I think it's not going to happen ... then I find myself getting inspired about Christmas decorations, about Christmas food and treats and, yes, even sometimes about Christmas gifts (for others! not just for myself). Even this year, when we're not going anywhere and no-one is coming to visit us, I still felt compelled to arrange this tiny understated Christmas blessing on our house and on our lives ... or perhaps it is more of a request?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thirty Weeks

Thirty Weeks, originally uploaded by &Naomi.