Friday, January 7, 2011

Peek into baby's room

Peek into baby's room, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

OK, so this shot is not as tidy as I would have liked. And obviously the blanky in the cot is just there to look cosy - it's not a SIDS hazard!

But I wanted to show a little peek into the 'before' of the baby's room. I expect that when he arrives, it will become instantly lived-in (ie, a messy trainwreck).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas present

Christmas pav-making, originally uploaded by &Naomi.

Yeah.... we got the Kitchenaid for Christmas. And about time too! Both Hayden and I had been wanting one of these for a while (and we'd come pretty close to purchasing one a couple of times, most notably when our tiny tinny electric beaters finally gave out on us about a year ago) but we were really just looking for the right moment to commit. Or the right excuse to cough up the dough. Let's call it the right moment.

So the moment finally came for us a couple of days before we were due to spend Christmas for once at home, when we devised a Christmas menu which included pavlova. Just look at the glossy sheen on that meringue. We were never going to achieve that with the old op-shop rotary beaters, were we?