Christmas at eight months pregnant is a little different to Christmas as I've come to know it in the last couple of years. No flying to see family and friends in Brisbane or New Zealand (no airport queues, no sad partings at the cattery, no wrapping up delicate presents and worrying about them in our luggage) ... just Hayden and me (and Lily and the Bump) at home for the day.
The food was always going to be a feature, though. That's one thing that didn't change, even without other family-members around to impress. But these days there is no way I can hold out all morning for a big feast in the afternoon, so Hayden fortified me with a beautiful Christmas brunch of corn fritters, bacon, guacamole and three different types of salsa. It was as delicious as it looks, and gave me strength for all that Christmas skyping. (I think skype is great, truly so much better than just talking on the phone. But those technical issues that seem to come up every single time can really wear me out. It's a worry for my health! At my last midwife appointment, my slightly elevated blood pressure had the midwife worried until I mentioned that I'd spent the morning attempting to set up a skype conference call. "Well, that explains it!" and she said no more about it).
Happy Christmas! Hope you had a wonderful one.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas brunch
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sound of Summer
Can't you just hear the low drawl of the cricket commentary in this photo?
Hayden and Lily are in it for the long haul.
Monday, November 29, 2010
keeping cool inside
Unravelling course has finished, so unfortunately we're back to photos of the cat.
Here she is, helping me keep cool inside while outside the sun beats down on the dry and dying grass.
This is the spot from which I hope to do all my Christmas shopping this year.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Peace at Christmas
It was our first hot weekend of the summer, and it put me in the mind and mood for Christmas.
Each year I think it's not going to happen ... then I find myself getting inspired about Christmas decorations, about Christmas food and treats and, yes, even sometimes about Christmas gifts (for others! not just for myself). Even this year, when we're not going anywhere and no-one is coming to visit us, I still felt compelled to arrange this tiny understated Christmas blessing on our house and on our lives ... or perhaps it is more of a request?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Mosaic of my Favourite Things
Looking at my favourites all together, I notice that they're very homey and indoorsy. Not so long ago, I would have included my well-worn passport, backpack, hiking boots, bicycle and Lonely Planet guides in the mix. Where are these things now? Packed away, well out of daily use. I was issued a new passport just after falling pregnant, and I can't imagine when it's going to get its first stamp. I tell myself that outdoor adventure does not have to end when the baby arrives, but I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced...
1. Wedding photos and rings. My engagement ring is my most special possession - a complete one-off designed by a most enthusiastic new jeweller to Hayden's specifications, all organised in secret while I was away travelling for work. I could not bear to lose it - the mould was destroyed when the ring was made, and there's no way we could recreate the spirit that went into the making of it.
2. Automatic computer backup machine - this has every photo I've taken and every word I've typed since 2007, all stored safe and sound ... I've lost it all before but never again!
3. Camera
4. Macbook with ultrasound pic on the desktop - the image I open up to every day.
5. Journal, pencil case, favourite writing pen and box of print photographs - all ways to record my thoughts, my feelings and my days
6. Magazines - one of my favourite ways to relax
7. Datebook - I love to be organised. There, I've said it. I know it sounds boring, but I find that I'm completely free to be spontaneous when I know that the bills are paid and the insurance is up-to-date.
8. Favourite books - most of my books are in storage at the moment, but I kept a few precious ones aside
9. well-stocked pantry
10. Sardines on toast! I am really loving cooking and eating for pregnancy
11. Well-used coffee pot ... I can't wait to get back to drinking a couple of cups a day
12. Bed
13. 'Pursuit of Love' mug.. the book was the first grown-up one I read; the mug was a present to myself on the day I received some lovely feedback on my writing.
14. Sunset .. at the beach of course
15. DVDs - there is no arthouse cinema in our town, so we have to make our own!
16. Bathtime
17. Breakfast with a view
18. Sharing a bottle of wine ... though I haven't done this for a while
19. Ultra-sensible, helpful baby books - these are keeping me sane through pregnancy
20. The beginnings of getting the nursery together. Well we've made a start.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
24 weeks 5 days
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wish I was ...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
sun down
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010
dream lab
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
time for a new picture
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
cat and quilt
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
lucky day
Monday, March 22, 2010
long cat
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
little rescue
This little guy was a bit stunned after flying into our window. Hayden scooped him up to keep him safe, until the sound of my camera shutter scared him up into a tree.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
through a long lens
Hayden has gone to New Zealand this week, taking with him two of our three shared Canon lenses. He left me behind with the longest one, the 70-300 zoom. Until yesterday I had considered it too heavy and unwieldy to bother with (and it does take getting used to, all that extra weight), but while the other lenses are gone I am getting to know it a bit better.
Monday, February 8, 2010
sandwich dinner*
A bad outbreak of eczema on my hands has kept me out of the garden (especially that tomato patch) for a couple of weeks now. In fact everything, including typing, has been awkward and painful, so my keyboard has been silent and my camera has stayed shut up in its case.
Friday, January 15, 2010
zucchini carbonara
I don't cook dinner often, but last night I was quite excited to cook for Hayden with some of our very own produce. I finally plucked this big old zucchini from the garden, and decided to give it the Jamie Oliver treatment. He calls it Courgette Carbonara. I call it Zucchini Surprise.
I started by chopping my enormous zucchini into little rectangular blocks. I fried up chopped onion and bacon, then added the zucchini to the pan.
In a separate bowl, I mixed up one egg yolk for each person (2 in this case) with a dash of cream and a good handful of grated parmesan cheese.
Then I mixed a load of cooked pasta in with the veggies, and stirred through the creamy cheesy egg mixture. A spoonful of the pasta water added a bit of starch, and the whole mixture looked shiny and delicious.
Ready to serve and eat!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
reaching for a longer, fluffier robe this morning instead of my usual light cotton wrap, I thought about the changing seasons and reflected on the best and worst of the growing season which is coming to a close here in the South West.
The summer here is baking hot and parched; so different to the conditions we had back in north Queensland where we had more heat in fewer hours, and absolutely no water restrictions (in fact it was more likely, in Townsville, that I would need to protect my plants from the destructive force of a tropical deluge in January / Feb). Learning to cope with longer sunlight and much less water required a real change in my approach.
failures and lessons learned:
Next year I’ll do more to protect my tiny seedlings from the sun. The sun can so easily - in a single hot afternoon - scorch and kill the little green leaves of growing plants such as baby basils, rockets and chives. I was glad to learn that tomato and zucchini plants are tough even when tiny, but I’ve got to do more next time for the ones that aren’t.
composting. Hm. A non-event this year. One of my aims for the coming autumn-winter period is to set up my compost heap properly, and to get it going well. I’m wishing for a big (meter cubed?) wooden box with a hinged lid. I may have to set about fulfilling this wish for myself.
I was happy with my haul of cherry tomatoes. The basil plants and the rocket were more a mixed success; but I was very happy to confirm the companion planting book's prediction that basil plants would keep the houseflies away. I now have pots of basil at every doorway - being pretty, aromatic and functional.
The rocket I did harvest was really delicious and tender. I lost a lot of the rocket seedlings during a one-off 36˚C day back in October, but those I did manage to save grew prettily - under cover, naturally, from that point on - into tasty peppery leaves.
The mint and parsley I transplanted into pots near the house grew well; I planted rosemary and sage in a garden bed near the house (and I started to develop a secret plan to eventually convert that entire bed into a dry garden … shhh don’t tell our landlords). The apricots from the tree were really tasty but I can’t claim credit for those, the tree having stood in its same spot for many years. Now that I know the apricots are worth it, I’ll do more to protect them from the parrots next year, even though it is pretty funny watching a parrot trying to take off with an enormous apricot wedged in its beak. I was proud of the apricot jam I made. I gave myself one big Farmer’s Wife Tick ✓ for that.
on the whole:
I think I understand more now what the summer sun is capable of, and I’m ready to continue learning - piece by piece if necessary - which plants can handle it and which need to stay whimpering in the shade. So I’ll say sayonara to carrots and spring onions in the veggie patch but welcome back the sage, rosemary, tomatoes, basil, zuccini and parsely next year.
Monday, January 11, 2010
kitchen still life
this afternoon I sat out on the verandah in my hammock and watched the afternoon light turn the cobwebs on the verandah posts golden. I daydreamed about writing sad songs set to the background of this aging homestead, this tired countrification, but in the end what I came up with was this. This photo of the sad country afternoon.
I haven't encountered any howling country music here in the south west. Maybe it's time I made some, of my own.
Christmas lights
I know, it really is time for these to come down. But for the last couple of years I've felt motivated to document, somehow, the arty-crafty effort I put into Christmas. So that's what I'm doing here. Decorations, the Tree and other crafty efforts are things about which I have strong, and quite particular feelings come over me. Every year. Even this year, when I felt quite low and lonely in the lead-up to Christmas, I still felt motivated to make a bit of special effort.
What I was going for was pretty understated and, I was hoping, arty. I was happy with the way the lights casually strung themselves along our longest window pane.
yes, I really did label this post "growing our food".
I am determined to one day eat these two olives - or at least one of them. Hayden can have the other, if he likes.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
sightseeing at Cape Leeuwin
Friday, January 1, 2010
I usually make one a year. And I usually keep it. This year, I'm resolving to do everything I can to make our life in Bunbury better: happier, funner and more fulfilling.
And I'm thinking that the plants in this photo might actually play a part in that. As part of getting into Bunbury life, I want to learn more about what the conditions here mean for plantlife and gardening - specifically, the Summer heat, dryness and salty wind. To date, my main inspiration is the public plantings along the dunes, the sight in these pictures being - to me - much more beautiful than the thirsty, pansy English flowers that have been planted all around our house. Those English plants are beautiful - in England. Here, we have different light - more of a harsh glare, to be frank. The mingy greens of the foliage and the flaccid pinks of the English flowers do not look great here. And they need a lot more water than what I can provide.
There must be a way to create my ideal garden - restful, beautiful and low maintenance - from plants which are well suited to the conditions here. All it will take is a bit of research, a bit of thought and a BIG change in attitude.